Thigh Lift
During the natural aging process, but also after major weight loss, the skin loses elasticity on the thighs, just as it does on the upper arms. The skin in this area is often very thin, with minimal elasticity, making in some patients a solely performed liposuction procedure ineffective. These stubborn fat deposits and loose skin then hang limp, especially on the inner thighs. Patients seeking a thigh lift are unhappy with the appearance and contour of their thighs. During a thigh lift, these wrinkled areas of skin are removed.
In addition, fat deposits and loose skin on the outside of the thigh (so-called riding trousers) often occur. In the case of limb tightening, a simultaneous liposuction is not recommended, we can perform a combination of liposuction and skin excision, to achieve an optimal aesthetic result and correcting this contour deformity.
The best thigh lift results can be achieved when you are at or close to an ideal body weight.
How a thigh lift surgery is performed
A thigh lift is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes several hours depending on your case. The incision is made on the inside of the thigh, groin incisions are not necessary for this surgical procedure. Following your thigh lift procedure you will wear a garment supporting your wound healing process. You will be limited in your physical activities during your immediate post-operative period to ensure adequate wound healing.
For a successful thigh lift procedure, a meticulous planning, and the skilled performance of my surgery is pivotal. We are eager to provide you with further information about your thigh lift procedure and answer all your questions during your consultation in our practice.
low – medium
Wound dressing
after 7 days
Social life
after 14 days
after 4 weeks
Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery
Dr. med. univ. Özkan Özdemir
Krottenbachstraße 1 / 11
1190 Vienna