Tummy Tuck / abdominoplasty
Abdominal bulge, lax skin, stretch marks, and excess fat can all result from pregnancy and weight loss. In most cases, no amount of exercise or diet can sufficiently resolve these changes. In pronounced cases, a so-called fat apron also develops, which can lead to physical and mental stress for the patients. Thus, despite living a healthy, active lifestyle and working out, the abdomen will only improve to a certain degree. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is for women and men concerned by loose skin, displaced abdominal muscles, or fat deposits. We will discuss your different abdominoplasty options with you during your consultation in our practice.
How a tummy tuck is performed
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia. The excess skin is removed. The incision is made parallel to the pubic hair line, so scars are hardly visible later. In the case of widely separated abdominal muscles, we perform an additional internal tightening (gathers). Depending on the type of tummy tuck being performed, drains will be used. The drains are needed until the daily amount of wound fluid has diminished and your body is able to absorb it. After your tummy tuck procedure, you will wear a garment for about 6 to 12 weeks supporting your wound healing process. ou will be limited in your physical activities during your immediate post-operative period to ensure adequate wound healing.
In consideration of your specific physical needs, and your goals, we will formulate a treatment plan, and advise you regarding the best tummy tuck procedure for you.
low – medium
Wound dressing
after 10 days
Social life
after 14 days
after 4 – 6 weeks
Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery
Dr. med. univ. Özkan Özdemir
Krottenbachstraße 1 / 11
1190 Vienna